Super Cimcnc

OEE tracking system, collecting timely information from machines and analyze machine performance.

What is causing your machines to run slow, stop and incur higher cost? Can you measure the productivity of your machines? If you cannot measure accurately, how you improve the productivity.

SUPER CIMCNC increases your OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency) by identifying the root cause and downtime in the manufacturing process. Therefore hidden capacity can be utilized and operating cost reduced.


Cimcnc Overview

SUPER CIMCNC Features & Benefits :

  • To provide important production information like OEE, availability loss, performance loss and quality loss.

  • OEE tracking and downtime reporting is available in real-time. Action can be taken promptly due to accurate timely information.

  • Downtime reports showing the top ten down time reason and their duration.

  • Gantt chart showing the job activities overlay with the machine operating status.

  • To monitor the operating status of each machine i.e. Cutting, Stops, Alarms.

  • Productivity reports are available instantly for management to enhance the effectiveness.

  • An effective tool to measure the performance of every line and equipment.
